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Bryce's Tale
I still to this day wish I had gone to meet him again.
It was the summer of 2011. I was almost sixteen and on vacation with my family - my parents and my little brother who was about to turn ten. We went to Texas and stayed at a hotel near Six Flags. It was huge and had its own pool and gym, and the employees wore black slacks, white shirts, and red vests and ties. We were booked for the week, from Monday night to Sunday afternoon. The whole vacation was mostly for my little brother's tenth birthday and my folks twentieth anniversary. He was turning ten a few days after we got back home.
I'd known I was gay since at least thirteen. That summer after sixth grade I sort of had my first crush. He was at least two years older than me and lived across the street. I saw him one day, hopping on his bike, wearing nothing but short shorts and shoes and socks. That brief glimpse of that fuzz beneath his arms made my heart race. And the way he filled out those tight short shorts in front made my pants feel very tight in the crotch. I began trying to see him as often as I could. I even followed him around on my bike sometimes.
Through seventh and eighth grade, I did my best to hide how gay I was becoming. There were no other guys admitting to it, so I didn't. Then high school. It wasn't a big high school, and we didn't live in a big city, so there wasn't a huge amount of other students. Still, there was this one gay guy, all out in the open and such. Pretty femmy. He just wasn't attractive to me, and I didn't know him, so I didn't get to know him. He was just too femmy and too out and too loud. Multi-colored hair, bright clothes, he even wore makeup. No thanks. But he was the only out gay guy in school. So I stayed well hidden.
Anyway, yeah, I knew I was gay that summer vacation when I was almost sixteen. Our folks got a room for me and my little bro, of course. Right next to theirs, with a connecting door. It was a hot and humid week. I spent most of the time I could in the pool - with my little bro. When he wasn't running around the park with our folks.
That pool was filled with hot bods. I mean it. Every time I went there, there were guys of all ages there. Girls, too, of course. And most of the guys were eye-locked on the girls. I did my best not to get caught staring at the hot guys.
I went up to the pool pretty much every day. I had to go to the park with my folks and little brother every day, too. Some days we went into town and did the tourist stuff there too. My little bro and I weren't too into that stuff. But there was this awesome car museum that we both wanted to go back to the next day.
So, yeah, it wasn't a bad vacation, it was just mostly amusement park stuff I wasn't into and musical stuff only my folks were into. So there were several days when my little bro and I were relegated to staying in our hotel room while our folks spent hours doing anniversary stuff they wanted.
Saturday night was one of those days for my folks. They were going to some musical, then a concert, then dinner. They said they'd check in on us Sunday morning for breakfast, and then we had to be packed and ready to head toward home by noon.
So bro and I immediately went up to the pool. Man. I needed some alone time to take care of a certain problem, if you know what I mean. Sleeping in the same room with my little bro wasn't exactly conducive to taking care of that business. If I took even a slightly long shower, little bro would just have to joke around about why I'd taken so long, so I didn't. I'd gotten to yesterday, though, because he'd gone down with the folks for breakfast, so I'd had the chance to whack one out. But not this morning. So the hot bods were giving me a bad case of bonerus erectus.
Damn. This hotel was filled with hot dudes. Even the staff had a lot of hunks not much older than me.
Since I had to stick around with my little bro, there wasn't much I could do but stay in the water until bro was ready to head to our room and order food. We had a sort of package deal where we could order in lunch and dinner Saturday for four, but since our folks were out doing stuff, we decided to take advantage of the situation and order two meals each for both lunch and dinner.
So, lunch arrived. Four meals. Delivered to our door by a guy I hadn't seen before. I was almost breathless. I mean... shit. He looked barely older than me. Really awesome blond hair, shockingly green eyes, totally cute face, and a bod that screamed. He was wearing the hotel uniform, but it was kind of tight on him. You could tell the guys wore their own black slacks and white dress shirts, but the hotel gave them the red vests and ties. This dude was wearing a pair of black slacks that just left nothing to your imagination. I mean, I could see it hanging down on his right side, and I could see his balls all tucked up on his left side.
I know he caught me staring, too. I looked up and saw him grinning at me. It was humiliating.
I let him in to put the food on the table and then I signed the receipt.
Man, the look he gave me as he left... I mean, if I had a brain in my head, I would have followed him out into the hallway and wherever he led me. But I didn't.
So bro and I had way too much to eat, and then settled in to watch some cable and wait until we could move and maybe go swimming again. Which we did. And I got to stare at more hot dudes in swimming gear. Then we went back to our room and ordered four meals again. We were going to get fat, lol.
And, of course, that hot dude brought our food again at dinner. This time I was still surprised to see him again, but I was smart enough not to stare at his incredible crotch. I saw his name tag this time: Nick. And this time I stayed at the door and watched him put the food on the table, so I got a hot view of his nice ass in those tight black slacks. Really nice ass.
He must have been expecting me to, because he suddenly turned around really quick and caught me looking.
Damn it!
He came up to me at the door, smiling, and handed me the receipt and a pen. He was just a bit taller than me. He smelled like expensive cologne. His face was almost flawless.
I signed the receipt, and as he took it from me, he whispered, "I get off a nine. If you wanna meet up at the doors by the back of the gym, we can have a good time."
Oh, holy shit!
He looked over his shoulder at my bro, who was busy digging into the food, then turned back and rubbed his hand across the front of my trunks, over my hip, and across my ass as he walked past me toward the door, then walked into the hallway and stood there.
I didn't even think about why he was still standing there, I just sort of wondered what he was waiting on. His tip was part of the bill, so what else was he waiting on?
"See you there?" he asked.
Oh, holy shit! He'd really said that? Shit!
Doors at the back of the gym? Those big double ones painted blue? Marked employees only? After nine?
Dare I?
"I don't know," I mumbled, really not knowing.
"I'll wait for a while. I got to be home by ten, though. The gym closes at nine, but they don't lock the doors because of fire code, so just walk in and to the doors in back and knock. I'll be there for a few minutes after nine. Hope you... uh, " he laughed, "come."
He peeked behind me, I guess he saw my bro wasn't looking, so he reached out and cupped my nuts and gave them a soft tug and squeeze. I was so shocked! I almost jumped back. But by the time my brain let me think, he'd taken his hand back and was turning away. So I stared at that nice, firm, round, full ass as he walked to the elevator and waited for it. He gave me such a nice grin as he stood there. He even adjusted his junk in his slacks. Damn!
I was breathing hard as I sat down and sort of ate with my little bro.
How could I get away at nine? If I even dared to, that is. What if it was a trick to prove I was a homo and he was going to make fun of me? But why would he grab my junk and my ass if that was what he was doing?
I decided I would. Somehow.
By nine, I had my plan. Since I'd ordered the Mexican plate, I was already primed, so to speak. I made like I had even more fuel than I really had. So, just at nine, I said I wanted to walk the hallway and vent it out there. Bro was cool with that idea. So I went into the hallway and downstairs and to the gym. The lights were off and it looked closed. I waited until there wasn't anyone in the surrounding hallway, then tried the glass doors. Open. I hurriedly ran in and to the back, and stood at those double doors. I wondered if he was really behind them. Or if this was a trick. Was I about to be outed and made fun of? I convinced myself I was being paranoid. The guy had groped me!
So I reached up and knocked.
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