- Conrad B.
- Addonis (refreshed)
- Aiden
- Vince
- Jon
- Rick
- Reggie
- Logan
- Paul
- Thomas part 2
- Tyson
- Greg
- Lucas
- Malcolm ITM

- First Time Tales
- Aiden
- Anderson
- Andy
- Andy A
- Anthony
- Arly *
- Ashton
- Benny
- Bill
- Boyd *
- Brady
- Brian
- Bryce
- Cade
- Casey
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chris
- Clay
- Cody
- Colin
- Conrad
- Conrad B
- Daryl *
- Dale
- David
- Derrick *
- Dillon
- Dylan *
- Ed
- Elijah
- Eric *
- Frank
- Frankie
- Fred
- Gary *
- Gordon
- Grant
- Greg
- Harley
- Ian
- Jacob *
- Jason
- Jason B*
- James
- Jay
- Jeff *
- Josh
- Jon
- Kurt
- Len *
- Lewis *
- Liam
- Lionel *
- Logan
- Lucas
- Luke
- Mace *
- Malcolm
- Mark *
- Mason
- Matt
- Michael *
- Mike
- Mike C *
- Mitchell
- Nathan
- Nick
- Neil
- Olsen
- Paul
- Pete
- Post Prom Party
- Randall
- Ralphie *
- Reggie *
- Rick
- Ricky *
- Rodin
- Sam *
- Scott
- Sean
- Shawn D. *
- Simon
- Skylar *
- Spencer
- Spig
- Star Struck *
- Steve
- Stosh
- Stonk
- Tanner *
- Taylor
- Thomas (AB)
- Tom
- Tony
- Trace *
- Tracy N
- Travis *
- Tristan *
- Tyson *
- Vince
- Walter
- Wes *
- Wil
- Zack
- Zack P *
* - members only

Dale's First Time Tale
Rated: X teens 13
First, I already was kind of worried I was going to be gay. Seeing the naked guys in the showers in seventh and eighth grades was far too interesting. Chicks were kind of interesting, and seeing them in bras and panties in movies was kind of boner-inspiring, but when I'd see a guy in his underwear in a movie, that would be far more boner-inspiring. I remember watching Caddyshack, and there was plenty of tits and girl butts, and they were okay, but the scene where the caddy is in his underwear and the judge is chasing him, wow, I secretly watched that scene dozens of times, over and over, and whacked-off to it every time. So, yeah, I was pretty sure I was going to be gay.
Another reason was that I found myself thinking about some of my friends in that way too. And dreaming about doing stuff with them too. And sometimes I'd see them changing at my house or theirs, and I'd get hard and excited. So, yeah, I was pretty sure I was becoming gay.
And then there was the crush I had on Steve. He was a jock, and so hot. I loved his hair, his eyes, his legs, his lips, his butt, that package, everything about him. If he'd been in my gym class I would probably have been caught staring at him. It was hard enough not to stare at the hot guys in the showers as it was.
Yeah, I was going to be gay. I was more sure almost every week by the time this happened with Chase.
I was staying over at his place one weekend. Just a pretty normal sleepover. On Sunday his parents went to church and were going to dinner after, so we had hours and hours to mess around. We decided to check out his dad's work shed and mess around some with his tools.
Well, his dad's work shed was a small room in the back of their garage. It's sort of an added on room on the back of the house behind the garage, and the only door to it inside was in the middle of the back wall of the garage. Inside the work shed was another door on the opposite wall that went outside, and there was a window on both sides of that door. That work shed was more like a den. He had a table with six chairs where he played cards with his friends, a refrigerator, and a pretty big television set (the kind that had a square screen and was sort of like a cabinet) and a VHS player. Along one wall was a long bench that had tools and where he did fix and build things. There was also a couple of cabinets above the work bench.
We messed around with the tools and stuff for a few minutes before Chase found some VHS tapes in a box in one of the cabinets.
"Check these out!" he said, handing one to me.
It had naked chicks on the cover! All kinds of chicks, and most of them had splooge on their tits or faces or cunts. We looked at all the tapes, and they all were obviously porno tapes. There were six tapes in all. Half of them had naked guys on the covers too. And, yes, I found them far more interesting than the naked chicks.
I could feel my boner growing really hard. It was sort of trapped and trying to get hard, and that made it feel even more powerful. Plus I hadn't beaten off since before school Friday morning because I never beat off when I was sleeping over somewhere, or he or one of my other friends was sleeping over at my place. And when I got home on Sunday night, when I beat off it would be totally kick ass after not doing it for a couple of days.
"Wow. Did you know your dad had these?" I asked.
"Hell no! He must've just got 'em or something."
"Let's watch one!"
"Yeah! Which one do you want to see first?"
I picked the one with a lot of different chicks and guys on the cover. I said because it looked like it had the most action, but it was actually because it had the most guys on the cover. While he put the tape in the player and turned on the TV, I adjusted my boner in my pants to make it more comfortable. I knew I was going to have a major boner for a long time and I didn't want to have to adjust it with Chase sitting next to me where he could see me doing it.
He got the movie started and sat down at the table with me, our backs to the table, and we watched as the stupid credits started. It didn't take long before the action started. It was the first porno we had ever seen. We'd both seen the magazines Jase had showed us, which he'd swiped from his older brother a while back. That had been almost two years ago, and I'd been beating off ever since then. So had Jase and Chase and the other guys Jase showed them to before his brother pretty much beat him up to get them back.
I'll never forget what it felt like to watch that movie. My guts were tingling and wiggling, my dick was throbbing, and my balls were buzzing. That space behind my balls was all quivery. I was excited all over my body.
I guess Chase hadn't adjusted his boner before the movie, because he kept trying to make it more comfortable without being obvious. Every few minutes he'd move things around a bit. That kept my mind on his junk almost as much as on the movie. I'd seen his junk last year in the gym showers, but not this year. I'd grown a lot this year, so I was sure he had too. I was so curious to see. I'd thought about trying to get him to show me somehow, but had never came up with a way to do it. I wondered if I could get him to show me now some way or another. I kept thinking about that while the movie played, when I wasn't paying attention to the guys in the movie.
Yeah, the guys in the movie. The one I remember the most was a tanned guy with blonde hair and green eyes and nice lips. I remember he had a tattoo of a dolphin on one arm. And a really nice dick and balls. Big ones that hung down a long ways, and a dick with a bulgy head and a big slit in it. And, boy, could he shoot the cum! He was so handsome, hot, and sexy. And watching him spray his wad all over the face of the girl that was sucking his big dick just about made me shoot my wad in my pants. My dick jerked and flexed and I knew I made a wet spot in my underwear.
The move went on and on. Six couples, one after another. Some hot, some okay, a couple of them were really hot. Hand-jobs, blow-jobs, eating pussy, fucking pussy, one guy fucked the chick in the ass.
"That has to hurt!" Chase said.
"She sure don't look like it hurts," I said.
"She's just acting," he scoffed.
"Looks like he likes it, though," I said.
"Yeah, he sure does!"
He pulled out and shot his cum all over her plump butt cheeks. Nice big wad, too. Thick and gooey and lots and lots of it.
"Yeah, he sure enjoyed it!" Chase agreed.
Then he rubbed his cock head in his cum, and then stuck his dick back in her ass. She moaned and groaned as he fingered her pussy while his dick was in her butt until she groaned and came. That was hot. I almost came! Probably because I was thinking about doing that to Chase. I would have loved to fuck his ass until I came, and then stick my dick back in his ass, all covered with my cum, while I jacked him off.
That was the last scene. Chase got up, sort of bent over a bit, and rewound the tape. I could see his boner in his jeans.
"Wanna watch another one?" he asked without looking at me.
"Hell no! I wanna go jack off!" I said, really meaning it.
"Yeah! Me too!" he said with a laugh.
He looked at me then. His face was red, and he was smiling kind of funny. I was sure he was as embarrassed as I was. I was so horny, too, that I dared to say what I did next - which surprised me a lot.
"You wanna jack off while we watch the next one?"
His face lit up! I mean, it was like he turned on a light in his eyes, or one that shined down on his face.
"Yeah, sure!. Good idea!"
It took forever for that tape to rewind. When it finally did, he picked a tape and put it in. He came back to sit down next to me again, and I pretty much stared at his package as he walked toward me. Man, it was so obvious he had a major boner - it was pointed down to his left, and pushing his jeans out quite a bit.
The movie started. I wondered how to get started. I didn't want to seem too enthusiastic, ya know? But I was dying to do it. I was dying to see Chase's dick. And watch him do it. And jack off while he was right next to me. Damn, was I turned on!
Credits, then finally the first scene.
When are we gonna do it? I kept thinking. I can't wait to see his dick!
A blonde chick was playing with herself on her bed, alone. Then the doorbell rang. She answered the door - naked. The handyman was there to fix something. She led him to the bedroom and pointed out that her closet door was stuck closed. He sort of checked out the door, but more checked out her on her bed as she squirmed around and started playing with herself again. I mean, her dildo was out and stuff, so, yeah. So the guy goes over and they start getting busy.
Should I ask him if he's ready to do it? Is he really going to? Does he really want to? If so, does he want to as much as I do? Should I ask?
She gets him naked and then starts blowing him. Then he pushes her down and starts going down on her.
Is he ready yet? Should I ask now or wait more? Does he really want to still?
Then the guy fucks her.
Is he still interested in jacking off together? Or is he going to chicken out?
Then he rolls her over and fucks her in the ass.
That's what I want to do to you, Chase. I think you have a fucking great ass. I bet it's so tight and hot! Do you still want to do this?
Then the guy blows his wad all over her butt.
Come on, Chase. Are you waiting for me to ask? Should I? Or would he think I'm a fag/? But he agreed to. Should I ask now, before the next scene starts?
Then the next scene started. This time s delivery guy knocked on a door, and a naked woman answered. He has a package for her. So corny. She pulls him in and strips him naked, and goes down on him as he stands there. He's got a nice ass, by the way. Nice balls, too. His dick is kind of bent and crooked, but pretty long. I don't like his black hair much at all. He's so hairy it's kind of a turn-off. But, still, it's sex, and really hot.
"So, you ready to do it?" Chase asked.
My entire body got electric chills! I felt my balls tug and tingle, and inside by guts something twinged and twisted.
I nodded without looking at Chase. We were less than a foot apart. I saw movement, and I glanced over to see him undoing his jeans. My entire chest felt hot as I reached down to unfasten my jeans. I heard his belt buckle jingling. Wow! Then I heard his zipper. I fumbled with my zipper. I saw him sitting up some, so I did too, and we both pushed our jeans down at the same time.
I dared to look over at Chase. He looked over at me, too. We were both sitting there in our tighty-whities, looking at each other, grinning and red-faced. We laughed a bit. More snickered. Then we pushed our underwear down at the same time, watching each other. The tail of his shirt was hiding his pubes, but I could see everything else.
His dick sure was bigger than it was last year. Though I had never seen it hard before, it seemed bigger than I had guessed it would be from what I had seen of it soft in the showers last year. It was really nice! Straight and even, with a nice head that was sort of purple. It was almost exactly the same size as mine, about four inches or so. His balls were about what I expected - about the same size as mine - about like grapes. His sack was paler than mine. Mine was sort of a darker color than most of my skin was. Not much darker, but still, darker than any of my other skin. His sack was pretty much the same as the rest of his skin color, maybe a little bit darker.
I looked up from his junk and saw him looking at mine. He looked up. We both sort of snickered.
I so badly wanted to reach over and take hold of it and start jerking him off. Then get on my knees and suck on it.
I looked down at my boner, and saw my shirt was covering my pubes, too. And I was leaking a bit of pre-jizz. I didn't want it on my shirt, so I lifted my shirt up a bit.
"You got more pubes than last year," he said.
"Do you?"
He lifted the tail of his shirt.
"So do you. And it grew a lot, too."
"So did yours," he laughed.
"Your balls, too."
"Yours, too."
We laughed some more. Mostly out of embarrassment, but some out of nerves, and some out of excitement. I guess, anyway.
"So, you ready to do it?" he asked.
"Yeah. You?"
Then we sat there, looking at each other, smirking and snickering, red-faced. I kept wondering what his dick would feel like in my hand, and what his hand would feel like on my dick. And what his dick would feel like in my mouth, and what his mouth would feel like on my dick. I wondered what a blow-job felt like. And what it felt like to give a blow-job.
We both kept glancing down at each other's junk and then back at each other's faces.
I couldn't stop thinking about grabbing his dick, and him grabbing mine. Sucking on his, and him sucking on mine.
I saw his dick move, and I looked down to see a drop of pre-jizz sitting on top of the little hole in the very end.
That made mine jerk, and more pre-jizz come out of it. It started running down, over the top of my head. I wanted to swipe it up with a finger and lick my finger clean, but not in front of Chase. I could only watch it roll down over the rim of my head and then down the shaft.
"Want some paper towels? I think we should get some anyway," he said.
"Uh, yeah, good idea."
He jerked his underwear up most of the way, then stopped. Instead, he pushed them all the way down, along with his jeans, and then over his shoes. That gave me a great view of his awesome ass. He headed toward the door to the garage. Man, I watched his nice ass every step of the way. Which wasn't smart, because he looked behind him as he got to the door and saw me. At least he didn't freak out or anything. He just sort grinned and then opened the door and left.
I quickly swiped up that drop of pre-jizz and cleaned it off my finger. Then I dashed down and grabbed his underwear and sniffed deeply. I actually felt a damp spot in the front, so I sucked on that a bit. It tasted like salty pre-jizz. I took another deep sniff, then put them back, then slammed my ass back in the chair. A couple of seconds later he came in with the paper towels. Man, his dick was swinging side to side with every step, and I watched it every step. Then I realized I had!
I looked up at him, but he didn't seem pissed or anything. He was still smiling. I took the paper towels and pretended to wipe the pre-jizz off the top of my dick.
"Thanks," I said as soon as I had.
He sat back, with his legs out striaght, and nodded, and said, "No prob. So, you ready?"
"Yeah. You?"
We looked at each other a few seconds, and then I almost gasped as he reached over toward me and I realized he was going to grab my dick. I watched his hand as it got closer and closer, in slow motion. He wasn't moving slowly, it was just that things seemed to slow down as his hand got closer and closer to my dick. I saw and felt my dick bounce at least twice before his hand got to it. I couldn't believe it!
I rapidly thought back to what we'd said earlier, and I didn't remember anything about jacking each other off. I only remembered talking about jacking off while we watched the next movie. I was sure that was what we'd said.
But he was going to jack me off.
I thought to myself, I guess I better jack him off, too.
I reached over for his dick. Man, my guts were swimming around inside me!
I almost jerked in reaction as I felt his hot hand wrap around my dick. Oh, man!
I got my hand around his dick. It was so warm and firm.
He moved the skin of my dick up.
I moved his skin up the shaft of his dick.
He moved down.
I moved down.
His dick was so close to the same size as mine that it felt a lot like I was jacking myself off. But I wasn't, and I knew it. And it felt a lot better than doing it to myself. A lot!
This was fucking amazing!
Every time he moved up my dick, I moved up his, in perfect time. I followed his every move. When he rubbed his thumb over the end of my dick, I did the same thing to his. I gasped when he did it to me, he gasped when I did it to him.
We glanced up and looked at each other and laughed a little.
This was awesome!
My dick was throbbing almost as fast as he was jacking it. I felt the sensation of making pre-jizz, and then I felt his fingers move it around at the tip of my head. I gasped and laughed.
"Nice, huh?" he laughed.
"Oh, yeah. Feels great!"
We looked at each other again. We both were smiling and laughing, and red-faced.
Damn, the way he grinned right then was totally hot.
My balls did that twangy thing they do when I was getting close to blowing off. I had a little while to go, but it was pretty soon for that to be happening already. I knew it was because I hadn't jerked off for over two days, and the movies, and the fact I was jacking off Chase while he was jacking me off. This was fantastic! It was going to be a good one!
Then he leaked some pre-jizz. I smeared it around over his head. It was so smooth and slippery. He gasped and laughed.
"Feels great, huh?" I asked this time.
"Oh, yeah!" he laughed. Then he added, "I'm gonna shoot pretty soon."
"So am I."
"I usually last longer."
"So do I. But I haven't done it since Friday."
"Me either," he laughed.
A few more strokes, and I had to tell him, "I'm going to really soon!"
"Go head, man. I'm going to too!"
His legs went out even straighter. I leaned back a bit, straightened out my legs, and lifted my shirt up higher..
"Shit, this is awesome," he said in a kind of sigh.
"Yeah," I agreed. "This is way better than doing it myself."
A few more strokes, and I felt that churning and building tension. My legs locked out straight and my back arched.
"I'm going!"
"Yeah, go off!" he whispered, and went faster and tighter.
"Oh, man!" I groaned through clenched teeth as that awesome pleasure built up to the ultimate level. "Ah, shit!"
My dick jerked like crazy, and then I shot. An actual big drop of white jizz flew out of my dick and landed an inch or so below my navel. Holy shit! I'd never shot like that before! Then the second one exploded out and went up to my navel! Further than the first and further than ever before! It wasn't as much as the fist tone, but damn, it felt like ten times as much! The third one squirted out and broke up into three or four parts and landed all around my lower stomach. Then the fourth was like the usual bunch of small drops I usually shot the first wave. Five was runny and dribbly and got all caught up in his fingers and my dick. The sixth, the first time I'd ever shot a sixth one, barely shot out and some got on his fingers and my dick and some landed in my pubes. Then there was a seventh, which sort of rolled out and onto his fingers and my head. I felt eight and nine and ten, but nothing much came out, even though they felt fucking awesome! My dick jerked a bit more, but nothing was going to come out, it was just jerking and dancing in his hand. I had to stop his hand after that because it was just too much.
I realized I had held my breath the whole time. I sucked in air and panted a few times as I shivered a lot all over.
"Looked like a good one!" Chase said.
I looked at him and saw his big grin, and I grinned back, and said, "Yeah! That was the best one ever!"
I realized then that I still had his hard dick in my hand, and that I had stopped jacking him off. So I went back at it right away. I watched my hand go up and down his dick. It was amazing to watch. I came down from my orgasm, but I sort of stayed high on it too as I watched myself jack him off. Fucking cool!
His dick felt even better now. I could concentrate on what my hand was feeling now that my dick wasn't being stroked off at the same time. I could feel it twitch as he leaked pre-jizz again. This time there was enough to spread all around his head. He sucked in air through his teeth as he rolled his head back on his shoulders. Man, I knew how good that felt, and making him feel that with my own hand was fucking awesome!
The pre-jizz was slippery enough, and there was enough of it, that I could slide my fist up and down his dick instead of sliding his skin up and down. So I slowed down a bit and rubbed his head and shaft with the skin of my fist. his pre-jizz acting like lube.
He jerked all over and hissed really loudly.
"Dude! That's awesome! Keep doing it that way!"
Now I could see his dick better. I could feel it better, too. This was so wild! And now that his hand was out of the way, I could turn toward him more and get my other hand on his nuts. They were nice and warm, and the way they moved around in his smooth, soft sack was so satisfying.
"Dude, yeah, play with 'em. That feels so good too," he sighed, his head still way back.
I could see his throat and the underside of his chin, but not his face. In that moment, his throat was so sexy like that. I wanted to lean over further and kiss and lick him there. Then I looked back down at my hand slowly jacking him off, and wanted to lean down there and suck him off.
His pre-jizz was drying out or soaking in, whatever it did, and it would need more lube soon. Since I was jacking him off this way, I needed to spit on his dick soon. I didn't think he would make more soon enough. I was worried he cum soon. I didn't want him to cum soon. I wanted him to last a lot longer. So I slowed down some more.
Without missing a beat, I got out of the chair, on my knees, and leaned over his lap. I could smell his funk then. Wow, did I like that smell. I silently worked up some spit, and leaned directly over his dick. I pushed it out and let it drop onto his head. It smeared in right away.
"Oh, man!" he sighed, then lifted his head and looked down at me leaning over his lap. "That feels great! You spit on it when you jack off?"
"Yeah. You never do it this way?"
"No. But I will be from now on!" he laughed. "That feels fucking awesome!"
Cool! I taught him something! I was so proud of myself. I looked back down at his nice dick as my wet fist moved up and down it. His head was nicely red now, and the slit in the end of it was slightly open and rimmed in purple. I pushed my fist all the way down, and he groaned and pushed his hips up to push his dick even tighter through my fist.
"That's so good, dude!"
His dick flexed and leaked pre-jizz. I smeared it around his head, twisting my fist around it.
"Shit!" he hissed. "That's so cool!"
I spit on his head again, and worked it up and down his shaft.
"Damn, you're so good at it!"
I tightly slid my fist down from his head to the base and back up.
"Oh, man!" he sighed this time, and shook a little, mostly his legs. "This is awesome!"
I got his cock wetter with more spit, and then stroked from tip to base in a slow, regular motion that usually drove me nuts when I did it. It drove him nuts too!
"Shit! Dude! Oh, man! Ohhhh!"
He threw his head back again, and breathed heavy and slow.
"You getting close?"
"Sorta. Got a little bit to go. I was close when you went off, but you stopped. So I sorta started over."
Fine with me. In fact, that gave me an idea. I knew stopping meant you'd have to start over, and that it felt even better when you did that. He already stopped once. I wondered what would happen if I stopped again.
I stroked him a few more times, then stopped, acting like I had to in order to get comfortable on the floor.
"Knees got sore," I said in explaination when he looked down at me.
"Oh. Hey, how about we go to my room?"
"Oh, man!" he laughed. "We forgot all about the movie!"
"Yeah, we did."
The movie was still playing. We hadn't seen anything after the first scene. Coincidentally, right then, a chick was sucking a guy off. I took it as a sign.
I had to do it. I decided to try once we got to his room.
He picked up his underwear and started to step into them.
"Just carry them to your room," I told him. "I'll shut off the movie."
I yanked my underwear and jeans up, tucking my soft dick away. It wasn't totally soft, or totally hard, but it was way more hard than soft. And it felt all tingly and charged up. Damn, it felt good.
"Yeah, okay," he agreed, then picked up his jeans.
I hit rewind on the VCR.
"We can come back and put it back later. Come on," I said,
We pretty much ran to his room. He closed his door and checked the clock.
"Folks won't be home for a couple more hours," he smiled.
He dropped his jeans and underwear on the floor next to the bed and then sat down. I got on my knees in front of him. He tossed a pillow on the floor between his feet, and I got my knees on it and then leaned my elbows onto his thighs.
He laughed. So did I.
"Lean back," I told him.
He did, with his arms up and his hands under his head. What a view I had. I could see that soft place behind his sack. It was so pink and pale up under there. I was so tempted to touch him there, but I couldn't think of a reason to, so I just leaned forward over his hard dick, and took it in my hand again. I spit on it a couple of times, then began stroking him again. Damn, his dick was nice. It wasn't all that different from mine, but it was his, so, yeah, it was an awesome dick. It was just longer than my fist was wide. When I had the side of my fist buried against his skin, half of his head stuck up out of the other side of my fist. I held my fist there and wiggled my fingers against his hard cock, especially around the edges of his head.
He snickered and his legs swung in and out a few times.
"That's pretty nice, but not as good as what you were doing before," he said.
"This?" I asked, and then slid my wet fist up and down his dick, rubbing the edges of his head nice and firmly.
"Oh, yeah!" he laughed. "That's it!"
I got closer, so that my face was directly over his cock and my fist, and inhaled deeply a few times. I loved that smell!
I stroked him nice and slow, tight enough to rub the skin of my fist and palm against the sensitive skin of his head, corona, and shaft. Not tight enough to move the skin on his dick though. I grabbed his balls with my other hand and rolled them around, squeezed them gently, and rubbed them inside the soft, flexible skin of his sack.
"Ah, dude, that feels so good," he sighed.
He shivered a little.
I loved that I was making him feel so good.
I intended to make him feel even better, soon. If I could work up the guts. I began talking myself into it.
He won't mind, I reasoned. Not much. It'll feel so good he won't care. By the time he knows what I'm doing, he'll like it so much he'll let me keep doing it.'
I leaned down closer to his dick. I could smell his pre-jizz even more. My mouth watered. The sound of my wet fist moving along his wet dick sounded like pure sexual pleasure.
He moaned a little again as he leaked more pre-jizz. I smeared it around into my spit. That sound was so cool! When it vanished, I added a bit more spit.
"God, dude, that feels so good!"
"Yeah," I whispered.
It's about to feel a whole lot better, I thought.
I leaned down further. My mouth was just an inch away from the tip of his dick. The smell was intoxicating. My guts twirled. My dick jerked. My balls tingled.
I felt lightheaded as I leaned down further and opened my mouth. I stuck out my tongue. It touched the tip of his dick. It tasted like musky pre-jizz. I swirled my tongue around the end of his dick. Then I probed into the slightly open slit. He sat up.
"Dude, you licking it?"
I raised my head and said, "Yeah. You like it?"
"It feels sorta, like, yeah, okay."
"Just okay?"
He shrugged and said, "Yeah. Okay. Kinda nice, I guess."
"How's this?" I asked, and then lowered my head and swiped his entire head with my tongue.
His legs slammed together, or, rather, slammed into my sides. He jerked, and laughed, and said, "Dude, that's wild!"
"More?" I asked, looking up at him as he smiled down at me.
"Yeah, sure. Go ahead."
I leaned back down, and used my tongue on his head and in his hole as I slowly jacked him off. I made sure to keep his head wet with spit.
"Dude, that's really wild!" he said happily.
That gave me the guts, so I leaned down further, moved my fist all the way down to the base of his dick, exposing the top half of his head, and then closed my lips over it against the side of my fist... and sucked.
"Oh-my-God!" he gasped. His legs pressed tightly against my sides and he leaned up over my head. Both of his hands clamped down on my shoulders. I was scared that he was going to push me away. But, he didn't.
I slid my fist down, and my lips down his head, and sucked harder.
His head tasted like salty pre-jizz. It was so smooth and velvety! Amazing! I got my lips around the edges of his head and locked them there, and sucked as my tongue swiped all over his head.
"Awwww! Shit! Move! I'm gonna shoot!"
His dick flexed. I raised my head up, leaving his warm, silky head just as he shot off. I held onto his dick and didn't move my fist at all. It hit me in the nose and upper lip! It felt like someone had hit me with a spit-wad of paper through a big straw! I felt his dick flex again and saw the next one shoot out. I felt it spray my forehead. His cock flexed again, powerfully, and his third one shot out and hit my left cheek so hard it was like another spit-wad of paper blown through a thick straw. He groaned a long, 'Ooooo!" that time! Number four squeezed out onto my fist. Five was a nice thick one that coated my fist and finished filling the gap between my skin and his. Six and seven were big flexes of his dick, but almost nothing came out. His dick moved and flexed a couple more times, but nothing came out, except left-overs. He sucked in air and then groaned, "Oh, man! That was fucking hot! Wow!"
I wiggled my fingers against his dick and the edges of his head. He sucked in air and shivered all over, then clamped his hand over mine.
"Don't move it!" he said.
"Too sensitive now?"
"Fuck yeah!" he laughed.
Man, was his face red! And his smile was so hot and sexy!
I wiggled my fingers. He clamped his hand down tighter over mine, added his other hand, and laughed and scrunched up tighter over his lap.
"Don't!" he laughed. "Man!"
I did again anyway, even though I couldn't move much at all inside his iron double-fisted grip.
"DUDE! STOP!" he laughed.
"Then give me my hand back," I laughed.
He released his grip, and I couldn't resist, and wiggled my fingers against his slimy dick and head again. His cum was all gooey and slippery there now, so when he ripped my hand away with both of his I had no grip or friction to hold onto. He got my hand away and clamped both of his onto his dick protectively.
I still had his balls in my other hand, so I toyed with them. He let me, smiling at me as I did.
"Like it?" I asked.
He nodded energetically, smiling widely. He was so cute right then.
"You got my jizz all over your face," he told me.
I grabbed some paper towel and wiped my face off. I wished I dared to use a finger and then clean my finger off with my mouth. It seemed like such a waste.
"Dude, I can't believe you sucked on it," he said as I cleaned my face off.
"Just barely," I pointed out. "Just the very tip."
"What did it taste like?" he asked. "Gross, or what?"
"No. Just skin. Sorta salty. No big deal." I tossed the paper towel into the trash can by his desk.
"Dude," he laughed, then fell onto his back with a big sigh.
I let go of his balls and sat on the bed next to him.
"It wasn't bad at all. I'd do it again. If you wanted."
He looked over at me, still smiling, and asked, "You would?"
"Sure. I bet it felt great."
"It did!" he said, smiling really widely, nodding again.
He looked at me for a bit, then said, "Next time I'll show you what it's like. Okay?"
To be continued in the serial story Dale And Chase for members only.