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* - members only

Travis' First Time
The true story of the first time I did anything sexual with someone.
I was ten, and staying over at my friend Jake's house. He had an older brother, Rob, who was fifteen. They had a computer they shared in the den with their mom and dad. I didn't have a computer or phone yet, so I had never seen pornography. Their mom and dad went to dinner with friends and weren't going to be home until eight or nine, and Rob was to watch Jake and me.
Rob was pretty cool, and with his being older, Jake and I thought Rob was smarter and wiser than us. We both looked up to him and liked him a lot. He treated us pretty cool.
So, their parents left us pizza money, and told us to stay out of trouble, and to call the neighbor lady if we needed to. So we ordered pizza, and sat down to watch a movie on their new DVD player. The pizza came, we ate it, and the movie ended. Jake and I went to his room to play the Nintendo, and Rob went to his room. After a couple of games, Jake and I went to get sodas, and as we went past the den doorway, we saw Jake acting funny at the computer. We went in to see what he was doing, because he acted like he was caught doing something. Kids can tell, you know? So when we get to the desk with the computer that Rob is sitting at, we see his fly open and his underwear kind of sticking out of it, and I joke about him watching porn and jerking it off.
Jake goes, "He probably was!"
And Rob is like, "Shut up!"
And I'm like, "Oh-my-God, he was!"
Jake says, "So what? In a couple years, you guys will be too."
"No way," we say together.
"Sure you will. Guys all do," Rob told us really seriously.
Jake and I sort of knew that. What we didn't know was...
"Why?" I asked.
"Because it feels really excellent, duh" Rob told us.
"It does?" I asked.
"Yeah. Feels better than anything," Rob said.
"When did you start doing it?" I asked.
Rob said, "I don't know. Maybe about ten or eleven. When I first found naked pics on the internet."
I'd heard there were naked pics on the internet, and I'd wanted to ask Jake if he'd ever seen any, but I hadn't worked up the guts to yet. Now I figured was a good time.
"You ever seen pictures of naked chicks?" I asked him.
He got all red-faced and smiled and nodded.
"You jack it off?" I asked next.
He nodded and laughed.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. It does feel really pretty good," he said.
"You never beat your meat?" Rob asked me.
"No," I said, almost lying and saying that I had, but knowing I'd already proven I hadn't.
"Dude, you gotta do it," Jake said to me.
"Yeah," Rob said. "Check this out."
He opened a browser window and started clicking little pictures of naked chicks and opening bigger pictures. For a couple of minutes, I stood over Rob's shoulder as Jake stood over his other shoulder, and we watched Rob open pictures of naked chicks. I'd never seen so much boobs and pussy before. After a few pictures, he went to another page and opened pictures of guys and girls doing it. I'd never seen a naked guy before, except Jake when we'd changed clothes in front of each other a few times. That was nothing compared to the hairy massiveness of a grown man's hard dick and hanging balls. And the hair.
Plus, this was pictures of actual sex. Guys sticking their dicks in pussies, and girls sucking on dicks, and guys' cum on girls' faces and tits and pussies.
I guess I was mesmerized. I stared, probably open-mouthed, as picture after picture opened on the screen and opened my eyes.
"Got a boner yet?" Rob asked, looking over his shoulder at me.
I felt my hard dick through my pants, laughed, and nodded.
Still looking at me, he asked, "What about you, bro?"
"Had one a while now, duh," Jake said.
I glanced over to see Jake's hand down the front of his pants. We were both wearing sports shorts. Rob shoved his jeans and boxers down, and his dick bounced up, hard and red. I'd never even thought about his dick before. It was almost as big as the ones on the pictures looked to be. He had brown pubes, and his balls hung down almost like the guys' balls in the pictures did. I watched, fascinated, as Rob grabbed his dick and started rubbing it. A drop of something glistened at the hole in the tip. It got caught up and smeared around as he jacked his dick. It made a wet smacking sound now.
Movement from Jake caught my eye, and I saw him shoving his shorts and underwear down, and then I saw his little boner. It looked so small after the ones on the screen and then seeing Rob's. He grabbed it with his thumb and two fingers and moved the skin up and down on it. Then I noticed that he was looking at me.
"Do it like this," he said, turning to face me, and showing me what to do. "Go ahead, dude. It feels fucking awesome."
He pulled his balls down with his other hand and squeezed them and rolled them around. I looked back at Rob and saw him jacking his as he watched the pictures his other hand was opening with the computer mouse.
I remember thinking that this was insane. Probably gay. And really fun.
I pushed my shorts down, then my underwear, and saw my dick pop up, hard and stiff, and bigger than ever. And, man, did it tingle like crazy!
I looked back at Jake, and copied what he was doing with his thumb and two fingers.
Oh, man!
I remember how good it felt, those first jacks of my totally virgin boner. It was like sweet pleasure wrapped in cotton candy for the soul.
"Pretty awesome, huh?" Jake asked.
"Yeah!" I agreed, probably smiling bigger than ever before.
It was glorious! It tickled, tingled, and felt impossibly good.
I pulled and squeezed my balls, like Jake was. That was okay, but nothing compared to jacking off my boner.
"Try it this way," Jake said, and started doing it by making a circle with his thumb and a finger, and sliding it up and down over his boner.
That took some experimenting to get just right, but once I had it, it was incredible.
"Better?" Jake asked.
We all jacked off, watching pictures on the computer screen for a few minutes.
"I wish I had a girl here to do that to me," Rob said when a picture of a chick sucking a dick was up. "Only thing that feels better than sex."
"How would you know?" Jake asked, laughing. "You've never done either one."
"You have no idea what I've done and haven't done," Rob told him, and gave him a shove with his elbow in his gut, just above his dick. "I've had my dick sucked."
"By who? Steve?" Jake joked.
When Rob didn't say no to that, Jake and I looked at each other with big eyes.
Steve was Rob's best friend, and they were almost always together. He would have been over if Jake's and Rob's parents hadn't gone out to dinner and he had to watch us. He was usually over every weekend for overnights. Or Rob was staying over at his house.
"Oh my God! You have gay sex with Steve!" Jake said, his eyes so big that I'll always remember how he looked in that moment.
"We don't have gay sex!" Rob said, and elbowed Jake in the guts right above his dick again.
"Do you guys kiss and make out?" Jake joked next.
"No!" Rob said, and turned around in the chair. "We just did some stuff once. So shut up about it, or I'll pound you good!"
Jake and I knew Rob's serious face, and this was it.
"Okay, geeze," Jake said. "Just... I can't believe my bro does gay stuff with a guy."
"Says the guy who's showing his best friend how to jack off along with his own bro," Rob pointed out.
"Yeah, but I'm not touching anyone else's dick," Jake replied.
"Too bad," Rob said. "I was gonna say how much better it is when someone else does it for you."
Jake went, "Huh?"
"It feels way better when someone else does it," Rob said again. "You don't know exactly what he's gonna do, like when you do it. You know what you're gonna do before you do it. When someone else does it, you don't know, and it feels way better."
Jake and I were shocked silent for a few seconds, then Jake asked, "You and Steve jacked each other off?"
Rob smiled, nodded, and said, "A few times. It's like, way better."
Jake and I looked at each other. I don't know what Jake was thinking, but I was wondering how it could feel any better than what it felt like doing it to myself.
"Wanna see?" Rob asked, looking up at me from the chair.
Oh, man, I had to check this out. I nodded.
Rob turned the chair a bit to face me, moved my hand away from my boner, and grabbed it.
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