- Conrad B.
- Addonis (refreshed)
- Aiden
- Vince
- Jon
- Rick
- Reggie
- Logan
- Paul
- Thomas part 2
- Tyson
- Greg
- Lucas
- Malcolm ITM

- First Time Tales
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- Anderson
- Andy
- Andy A
- Anthony
- Arly *
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- Benny
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- Conrad B
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- Jason B*
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- Malcolm
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- Mike C *
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- Post Prom Party
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- Shawn D. *
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- Spig
- Star Struck *
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- Thomas (AB)
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- Tracy N
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- Wil
- Zack
- Zack P *
* - members only

Malcolm In The Middle
Malcolm's Tale
Rated: X ages 13I was born with two older brothers, and then along came my little brother. We get along for the most part, but we all love to torture each other endlessly. Francis was born first. He's smart, in a way, and always getting in trouble. He was sent to military school at 16. Reese is the next oldest, as smart as a box of rocks, and as gifted for finding trouble as Francis. I'm the smart one, who hates getting in trouble and is about as emotionally stable as a rock perched on the tip of a needle. Then there is my little brother, Dewey, who is secretly gifted as well, but more for music and emotional stability.
While all my brothers and I are different, we all share quite a few physical and psychological traits as well.
All of us are fairly attractive. All my brothers have our dad's blond hair, while I have my mom's dark brown hair. We all have blue or blue-gray eyes. All of us are in good shape, too, like our parents. All all us boys have a penchant for proving others wrong. No matter what someone claims to us about ourselves, we'll go out of our way to prove them wrong. That's what let Jason get away with what he did.
See, when I was 13, Reese was 14, and Dewey was 9, and while Francis was 17 and away at military school, these new people moved in next door. They had a son about my age, Jason, and a daughter who was about five or six. My folks, being ostracized by the entire neighborhood - for good reasons, I might add - were desperate for friends. Having new neighbors was their chance at having friends next door, and they were going to do anything to make that happen.
So, when we were invited over for a cookout shortly after the new neighbors moved in, they jumped on it. They warned us boys to be on our best behavior, and that if we screwed this up there would be hell to pay. Now, Mom was great at paying out hell. I won't go into particulars, let's just say that all four of us boys were going to be providing therapists with yachts for decades.
Anyway, the cookout. It all started there.
At first it was just fine, I guess. Jason seemed okay, though his sister soon found out she loved the taste of Reese's flesh. She was biting him nearly constantly the entire day. Jason and I got along okay, though he had a real good way of making me look like a freak. Not a hard thing to do, granted, but he was excellent at it. By the end of the cookout, all our parents thought I was staring at his mom's breasts and couldn't control myself. Still, he was a next-door neighbor, and not a bad guy, so whatever.
The problem was that we ended up in a feud with the new neighbors. Well, our moms did. So we had to as well. On the face of it, anyway. Behind the scenes, Dad was spending time with Jason's dad, and I was hanging out with Jason. Reese sometimes joined us, but Jason had a way of making him feel like he had other things to do and he would take off. Jason could manipulate Reese like a master craftsman working his medium. It was a joy to watch!
Well, after a few days of sneaking around behind our mom's backs, a day came along when our parents were out doing things and had left all of us at home. Except Jason's little sister, who was with her parents for the day. That gave Jason and I a chance to mess around in his dad's man-cave. It was great! He had a big-screen TV, a cool stereo system, comfy couches, and all kinds of things in that little shed in their back yard. It was very nice. So Jason and I were watching one of his dad's movies and having fresh popped popcorn.
When the movie ended, Jason asked me, "So, you wanna see something extra cool?"
Now, that was usually said to Reese just before Jason did or said or showed him something that made him want to leave. When it was said to me, it was usually followed by an embarrassing statement made in front of others. But as we were alone, I wasn't concerned about that possibility.
So I said, "Sure. What?"
Jason got up from the sofa and fished around in the bookshelf, then brought back a VHS tape in a black plastic case. He handed it to me, so I opened it. It was titled, 'Debbie Does Dallas.'
"Is this a porno?" I squeaked.
Jason had his best 'trouble' grin as he nodded, then took the tape from my now shaking hands. He had it in the machine and had started it before I was able to even think of anything to say, so I was speechless as the movie began to play.
I had never seen anything like it! I mean, I'm a brain, so I'd seen plenty of clinical illustrations of nudity, and lots of medical drawings in books, and even a few color plates of actual sexual organs, but nothing like this!
I was 13, and an early bloomer. I was still short, so I didn't look it, but I had begun puberty nearly a year before. By now I had pubic hair, some underarm hair starting fuzz, I was battling zits, and I had B.O. and oily skin. I was also fully sexually capable, if you know what I mean. I was taking care of a certain physical and psychological urge on a daily basis. Sharing a room with two brothers meant I had to be inventive in finding times and places to take care of those urges. I managed just fine. For the most part.
However, the past couple of days I hadn't been able to dispel the urge. I'd even been nearly caught by Reese, which is always a disaster. Not that Reese didn't do that was well. I had long ago lost count of the many times I had actually caught Reese at it. He wasn't very bright, as I've mentioned. But he was very violent, and very capable of violence, so I never mentioned what I'd seen to anyone, and especially not to him, not even as a tease or for leverage. Still, we both knew the other was doing it. The point is, I'd been unable to quench the urge for nearly two days now. I guess I was spending too much time with Jason, too.
Anyway, there I was, watching my first porno, with a two-day build-up, with Jason.
"Is this great, or what?" he asked, grinning at me.
I looked away from the movie at him and nodded. I could feel my huge grin, and my burning-hot face. I could also feel my throbbing erection. I had recently switched to boxers from the boring, ordinary white briefs my mom insisted I wear. I'd gotten a few pairs with some money I'd earned doing chores for folks. So, wearing boxers and flimsy boarding shorts, I was showing.
Well, so was Jason. I mean, not that I meant to notice, I just sort of did as I looked at him and nodded. He was wearing a button-front shirt, but completely open, and boarding shorts like mine. And I could tell, almost instantly, that he was either wearing loose boxers too, or no underwear at all. I could easily see that he was completely erect too.
Now that I look back on it, I am sure he was intentionally showing it off. He was leaned back in the sofa, arms on the back of it, legs slightly apart, his shirt open and to the sides baring his chest and tummy, and impressively tenting those baggy boarding shorts.
Not wanting to be caught seeing his boner, I covered my lap with my hands as covertly as possible and looked back at the movie. It was... well... exciting! The actors did everything! Even some things I had thought were just rumors or exaggerations.
When it was finally over, he turned to me and asked, "So, what'cha think?"
"It was..."
What should I say? What would a normal, healthy teenaged boy say in that situation?
"Awesome," I finished.
"Want to see another one?"
What should I say? What would a normal, healthy teenaged boy say in that situation?
As he removed the tape and dug out another one, I was almost forced to notice a few things. Like his obvious erection, for one. His open shirt did nothing to hide it at all. Neither did his loose boarding shorts. He was not wearing anything under those shorts, I was certain now. As he moved from the shelves to the VCR I could see the tip of his penis pressing firmly against the material of those multicolored shorts, making a rounded tent protrusion that could not be missed. I wondered if he even noticed, or cared. He sure didn't seem to at all. Not even as he walked back to the sofa. He just smiled at me as he walked toward me, that tent leading the way by a couple of inches. He sat back again, smiling, arms on the back of the sofa, legs slightly apart, his tent so obvious it was embarrassing.
We watched the next one all the way through, not saying a word. I was furiously trying to think of a way to leave without being obvious about my intent to take care of the almost intolerable pressure I was building up. It was too embarrassing to admit to the real reason I wanted to leave so badly. I needed to get home and take care of it. But Reese was there, so I'd have to go somewhere else.
When the movie ended, Jason looked over at me and said, "Pretty wild, huh?"
"Uh, yeah," I admitted.
"I don't know about you, but I really have to take care of it. Like, right now."
"Huh?" I squeaked.
"You know. I need to do it."
"Do it?"
He couldn't be talking about masturbating... could he?
"You know!" he stated firmly, grinning, then moving his fist up and down above his lap. "Take care of it!"
"Oh, yeah. Me too," I slowly admitted, wanting to seem as normal as possible.
"Okay," he grinned, then lifted his ass up off the sofa and then slid his shorts down. Just like that. Like it was nothing.
And then I was looking at a naked guy, my age, erect, sitting right next to me, grinning at me.
I was so shocked I didn't move or say a word!
It was at least five inches long, straight, with a slightly angular glans with subtle, almost rounded coronal edges. It was slightly shiny with wetness. His testes were growing nicely, not very big yet, but certainly large enough to prove he was well into puberty. They hung down freely just a tiny bit, but were still up near his body. His pubic hair was dark brown despite his bright blond hair, though I noticed his eyebrows were the same brown as his pubic hair. He had no other body hair, anywhere. His pink nipples were rather nice, too. His slim, smooth body was almost attractive, suddenly.
He casually reached for it, grasped it, and began moving his fist up and down along its length. Almost immediately, more fluid seeped from the small hole at the very tip, lubricating it and his fist. The familiar wet sound began to fill the silence.
"Are you going to or not?" he asked so innocently that I was put aback. "It's okay to do it together. It'd be faggy to just watch me, though."
I'm straight, like I said, but I'm also very bright. I know all guys our age masturbate. It's perfectly normal and healthy. I'd even read that it was normal for boys our age to do so together. And I was so incredibly horny...
So, reluctantly, and completely embarrassed, I lowered my shorts, then my boxers. I might not be fully developed yet, but I was well on my way. My nearly six inches stuck up proudly from my dark-brown pubic hair, which was quite thicker than Jason's. While my penis was a bit longer than his, my testes were a bit smaller and still fairly tight to my body, not hanging free much at all. I also had a bit more hair around my scrotal sack, though not much, more just a fuzz. My glans was rounded and slightly blunt, with more prominent coronal edges, and I had much more obvious wetness coating the head. It glistened fully.
I nearly had to force myself to reach down and grasp it. This was so embarrassing. But it was... fairly normal, right?
One thing was for sure: It felt amazing. Masturbation always felt great, but somehow, with someone else there also doing it, it was even more intense.
Jason smiled more, and said, "Feels great, huh?"
"Yeah!" I admitted.
It really did! The intense sexual thrill filled my groin and chest. My erection throbbed up harder and fuller, and felt more sensitive and excited than ever.
The sound of two hard-ons being stroked enthusiastically filled the shed. So did our occasional snickers.
"You ever use spit on it?" he asked.
"Sure," I admitted freely, surprising myself.
He let go of his penis to spit into his fist, then returned it to his penis. He rubbed it more softly than I did, making more noise than I usually did. I had to be quiet when I did it, but not this time. So, I spit into my hand as well, and mimicked his action. It felt great! Sliding my fist loosely along my shaft and head was... exquisite! It combined the pleasure of sexual gratification with an intense ticking sensation. It was awesome!
About then I noticed that we were both watching each other intently. That was a bit more embarrassing, but it was also rather... hot. I mean, watching another guy do that, in person, side-by-side, at the same time... it was thrilling! I'd never felt so naughty but so pleased at the same time. Well, not really, but those other times I was doing something that would undoubtedly get me in trouble. This was just - and simply - pleasing.
My urethra released a wave of fluid that washed out and lubricated my fist and glans even further. Oh, man, did that feel great! And the wet sound of it, too. It was a bit embarrassing, but my legs were walking on their own from the sheer amount of pleasure I was giving myself.
And seeing Jason doing the same, it was... exhilarating! Freeing.
I saw the clear fluid well up and out of his meatus, slickening his glans and fist, and making even louder, richer wet stroking sounds.
Oh, God!
"Hey," Jason said. "Wanna see something wild?"
Something wild? What were we doing if not something wild? Did I want to see something even wilder?
He grinned wider, released his erection, then slid to his knees the floor. His erection stuck out in front of him in a way that drew my eyes and held them. It wasn't massive or impressive or anything, but it was... fascinating.
"First, you have to promise never to tell anyone! I know this is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to you, but you can't tell anyone, ever. Okay?"
The best thing ever?
I nodded.
He knee-walked between my legs, then put his hands on my thighs, pushed my legs apart, and got between them. He grinned up at me.
I'm straight, like I said, but I'm also very bright. I know guys... experiment. It's perfectly normal and healthy. But I was not so sure I wanted to be masturbated by a guy. There's experimenting, then there's...
That's when he leaned forward, and before I could react, he had my entire erect penis in his warm, wet, soft mouth.
My first reaction was to push him away, stand up, pull up my boxers and shorts, and leave. And I leaned forward to do just that, but just as my hands grasped the sides of his head...
The warmth! The softness! The wetness! The silky sensation as his lips slid along my shaft and his tongue caressed my glans...
And then the suction!
Oh, God!
I leaned forward over his head, held onto his head with both of my hands, and groaned out loud!
My legs curled up, my back arched, and I found my face filled with his soft, shampoo-scented blond hair.
I groaned out loud again. And again.
It was the most incredible thing I had ever felt!
It was beautiful!
The softness, the warmth, the silky caress, the pulsing suction, the absolute, sheer, intense pleasure!
It was like warm waves of pure bliss rolling up from the deepest part of my being to wash gently over every last molecule of my being! From toes to scalp I was filled with tingling pleasure that overwhelmed every cell and left behind a state of complete, absolute gratification.
Living with two brothers, I had quickly learned to be very quiet while pleasuring myself... but right then I was utterly unable to remain silent. I groaned and moaned and hissed breaths between my teeth as Jason's warm, wet, soft mouth moved so silkenly along my shaft and over my glans, and as the sheer pleasure of the suction revealed a level of pleasure I had never anticipated could exist.
In mere moments I felt the impending release building to a level beyond any previous experience! The pulsing waves of pleasure from the suction were hiding the building waves of my incipient release until they were no longer incipient but impending... then imminent and profound!
With a grunt of sheer, animal pleasure, I thrust my hips violently forward, shoving the entire length of my throbbing erection deeply into Jason's mouth, to the point that I felt my glans impact the back of his throat. I pulled his head tightly toward me, locking our positions, as I released in a volcanic expulsion.
I screamed it, loudly, with nearly all of my lung capacity as my legs kicked violently against the front of the sofa and my hands nearly crushed his skull.
The ejaculation was so powerful that I felt the soft skin behind my scrotum pulsate against the surface of the couch beneath me as I poured my semen into Jason's mouth again and again and again.
With every ejaculation I grunted and thrust my hips and shoved my glans firmly against the soft, warm back of Jason's throat. Each and every pulse of my ejaculation swelled my aching glans to the point of splitting it, pressed the warm, moist skin behind my scrotum against the cool surface of the leather sofa, expulsively clenched my anus, contracted my testes deeply into my body, and sucked the air from my lungs in a loud, "UGH!"
Even beyond all that, I felt his throat working to swallow, caressing my glans in a way that felt so intensely good that it obliterated any worries or doubts or fears with pure pleasure.
I was lost. Only the orgasm mattered, and it mattered beyond any reasonable or previously experienced level. It was everything, all at once. It was my every reason for living and the only reason. It was all pleasures enveloped into repeated, overwhelming pulsations.
The waves of deep, tugging, drawing pleasure waned, giving way to an intense and unendurable pleasure that besieged my mind and body, forcing me to change from pulling his head toward me to shoving it away so instinctively that it was impossible to resist.
How quickly the pleasure turned to torture!
He resisted, though, holding his head in place, and retaining my throbbing penis in the warm embrace of his mouth for several unendurable moments. But with all the strength I had, I managed to push his head away and remove his mouth from my besieged manhood with a loud, wet, sucking slup.
Finally it was free! The torture was over!
I could breathe again!
I panted as I fell back against the sofa back and sucked air rapidly. My body shivered.
Jason's hands slowly stroked my thighs. That felt so soothing and pleasing.
I opened my eyes to see him smiling up at me, his deep-ruby lips glistening with my semen and his saliva.
"Was that amazing, or what?" he asked, his hands still caressing my thighs.
"Oh, man!" I agreed, feeling the smile covering my face. "That was so amazing!" I panted.
"Cool!" he laughed. Then he leaned back, squatting with his buttocks on his heels and his knees high and widely apart, and said, "Watch this."
His glans was deeply red, a long string of sticky fluid hanging about six inches from it, swaying as his penis throbbed rapidly. I saw his stomach working in a rhythmic way, in time with the almost dancing movements of his penis. His testes were tight to his body now, nearly as tucked inside him as mine currently were. I glanced down to see that mine were indeed in their accustomed post-orgasmic hiding spot nearly inside me. My glans was so deeply red that it looked infected and about to turn gangrenous. It was slowly softening and drooping, and shiny with both his saliva and my fluids.
I looked back at Jason to see his penis dancing up and down almost maniacally, that long string of sticky fluid growing even longer. It had reached the floor and was swaying wildly as his penis moved nearly violently up and down. I saw that his eyes were locked on my own penis, as if he were staring at something wonderful. Then he began to grunt softly, in time with the movements of his abdomen. The string from his penis grew longer, thicker, and then, suddenly it was replaced by a long streamer of white semen as he ejaculated. It flew the short distance to the front of the sofa and splashed there. It was followed by another, smaller one, then by a small pulse of thick, white drops. He grunted softly with each pulse of his orgasm until now, when he groaned, "Oh, ugh!" and ejaculated a long, thick rope of semen that shot out to land on the couch between my legs, nearly landing on my scrotum. That was followed by two small spurts, then another large, thick expulsion that landed on the floor between his legs. More small ejaculations followed, barely leaking out of his red glans, most of it running down the underside of his shaft and over his scrotum. From there it dripped onto the floor in long, skinny strings.
His thighs quivered as he recovered, smiling directly at me.
For the first time in my life, I found another boy sexually attractive.
In that moment, he was utterly adorable. His slightly long and angular nose, his ruby lips, his blue-gray eyes, his blond hair, his brown brows, the gentle curve of his neck, his smooth chest, those pink nipples, that smooth belly, the arc of his hips, the graceful curve of his thighs, the shape and color of his penis, the dual arches of his testes in his nearly smooth scrotum... everything about him was sexually pleasing and attractive.
And for the first time in my life, I felt sexually fulfilled. Not just in an ejaculatory sense, but sexually. As if I had finally found actual sexual release.
Or something else. Something more.
He recovered and stood, his penis still dripping semen. He moved to wipe it off, but I interceded and swiped the hanging string from the end of his penis with my fingers. I tested it between my finger and thumb. It was still warm, and very sticky, and very slippery. I brought it to my nose. It smelled thick and musky. I tasted it. Slightly bitter, slightly sweet, very salty. I sucked my finger clean, surprising myself.
Jason went to his knees again, this time after pulling his shorts up, and placed his hands back on my thighs. He smiled up at me, and asked, "Did you like it?"
I nodded, feeling my face go hot and red, but I also felt the smile.
"I meant the blow-job," he laughed.
I laughed, too, then said, "Yes, I did. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Then I wondered something.
"Um, how did you do that? The no hands thing."
"I'll show you sometime. But, how about next time, you do me? Then the time after that, I'll show you how to do it without your hands."
Thanks for reading! I have written a few of these Malcolm stories but never showed anyone. I mentioned one in passing to Ray when I wrote to him about how much I loved some of his stories and he asked if he could read some so I sent him one. He asked me if he could put it on his site and if he could put more on there too. I was flattered and agreed but only if he edited them to make them as good as his stories. He claims all he had to do was some spelling and grammar but really he added a lot of "oomph" so to speak too. I hope you liked it! This first one is openly available, but I asked Ray to make all the next ones only for members. It's my way of making sure I give some back to him for all the work he does giving us all these awesome stories. I saw how much work he put into my one short story and considering how many stories he works on he puts in tons of hours every week on this site. So if you appreciate his work and like my story and how he made it even better than before then become a member and you can read the following stories too. Here is a hint for you to get you to join up... soon, it won't be only Malcolm and Jason... and after that, Malcolm really will be in the middle!!
Hi there, Ray here. I liked NotMalcolm's stories so much that I begged him to let me share them. I hope you like them too. He has quite a few done and is working on more. Please drop a comment or rating at the end to let him know you've read it and how you liked it. It's his only payment and he deserves some credit for what he's written. For now this is a First Time Story, even though it is a work of fiction. It will soon be moved to its own category of FanFic here at Rays Stories.