- Conrad B.
- Addonis (refreshed)
- Aiden
- Vince
- Jon
- Rick
- Reggie
- Logan
- Paul
- Thomas part 2
- Tyson
- Greg
- Lucas
- Malcolm ITM

- First Time Tales
- Aiden
- Anderson
- Andy
- Andy A
- Anthony
- Arly *
- Ashton
- Benny
- Bill
- Boyd *
- Brady
- Brian
- Bryce
- Cade
- Casey
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chris
- Clay
- Cody
- Colin
- Conrad
- Conrad B
- Daryl *
- Dale
- David
- Derrick *
- Dillon
- Dylan *
- Ed
- Elijah
- Eric *
- Frank
- Frankie
- Fred
- Gary *
- Gordon
- Grant
- Greg
- Harley
- Ian
- Jacob *
- Jason
- Jason B*
- James
- Jay
- Jeff *
- Josh
- Jon
- Kurt
- Len *
- Lewis *
- Liam
- Lionel *
- Logan
- Lucas
- Luke
- Mace *
- Malcolm
- Mark *
- Mason
- Matt
- Michael *
- Mike
- Mike C *
- Mitchell
- Nathan
- Nick
- Neil
- Olsen
- Paul
- Pete
- Post Prom Party
- Randall
- Ralphie *
- Reggie *
- Rick
- Ricky *
- Rodin
- Sam *
- Scott
- Sean
- Shawn D. *
- Simon
- Skylar *
- Spencer
- Spig
- Star Struck *
- Steve
- Stosh
- Stonk
- Tanner *
- Taylor
- Thomas (AB)
- Tom
- Tony
- Trace *
- Tracy N
- Travis *
- Tristan *
- Tyson *
- Vince
- Walter
- Wes *
- Wil
- Zack
- Zack P *
* - members only

- -PG rated
- A Hobo Boy's Tale
- A Waiting
- Adonis
- For Benjamin
- Being The Wrong Color
- Desert Choices
- Freshman Luck
- Looking Back
- A Waiting
- Freshman Luck
- Derrin
- Woke
- -R rated
- A Waiting
- Copper
- Travis Gets Outted
- Travis Gets Owned
- Desert Choice
- Looking Back
- All Hollow's Eve 2012
- All Hollow's Eve 2011
- Copper
- Derrin
- Woke
- Wind
- -X rated
- Rodin
- Freshman Spotted
- Best Bud in Texas
- Benjamin
- Brookfield Pool
- Dale
- Dale And Travis
- Fred's Story
- Freshman to Freshman
- I Needed A Jump
- I Started Young
- Luke and Dakota
- Mastering Marty
- Ray and Mark
- Taylor's Turn For The Better
- Travis Gets Owned
- Walter's Tale
- The Wrestling Coach
- Benny's Story
- A Freshman Spotted
- Hollow's Eve 2012
- All Hollow's Eve 2011
- Perspectives
- Post Prom Party
- Working With Riley
- Deals
- Derrin
- Woke
- Heat Fever

- All Hollows' Eve
- College Kink
- Deals
- The Gay Club
- The Holidays
- Jay's Slavery
- Me And Cuz
- Saving Steve
- Sam
- Perspectives
- Ray and Scott
All XXX rated

HELLO! and welcome to Ray's Stories!
been trying to get a new page online, but it will not load the right column navigation and won't 'logon' for SQL functions.
What ever happened to simple and easy web publishing?
A dozen stories ready to publish, I just need a good way to keep the navigation intact and bypass old SQL code.
Fixed a few small things. Having to pretty much relearn PHP and HTML and all that all over again. *sigh*
It's going to be slow going, but I'm going.
The $75 lifetime has to stick around for now. If you subscribe to it, you still get it, but I can't refund part of it. Lots of you said you like the /month at $5 so long as there's new content. So okay, everyone who got a one-month only can now make it monthly. Anyone who bought monthly is free to cancel at any time and return on the $5 for one month only. If you got a one-month-only for $5, nothing changes, though you can change it to monthly yourself.
For now the adult content in the open stays in the open until I can move their permission en masse. There's nothing there any minor can't read on QUora or millions of other sites in their g-rated sections. lol
That's it for this update. Happy Valentine's Day, pleasant Presidents' Day, and Happy New Year a bit late!
PLEASE NOTE: Most of the X-rated stories will soon be part of the members' only area
in an effort to prevent minors from reading adult material. There will be a
$5 one-month membership and a $50 Lifetime Pass. No more recurring or
renewing memberships - they are too much trouble and are often just too hard
to cancel even on my side. In fact, one company won't even let me cancel a
subscription from my side at all, let alone do a refund. So no more monthly
recurring memberships, just one month at $5, a year at $50 and a full pass for everything
forever for $75. The memberships are mostly to prevent minors from reading
adult material on my site. I'm not comfortable with that. They also pay for
the site. The funds are processed into the same account that automatically
pays the hosting, bandwidth, domains, extras packages, and other services
that keep the site online. It is set up so that even when I pass on the
bills will get paid and the site will stay up. Any funds recieved and not
used in one month stay in the account to cover shorter months. If it ever
makes a consistent 'profit' I'll have a pizza or something to celebrate and
post pics. LOL.
Most importantly of all, when you sign up, there
is no 'weekly newsletter' or 'daily spam mail' or other repeated
communications. You will recieve an email with your login credentials, and
nothing else. Unless the credentials issued to you are changed, you will not
be contacted again by me because of your purchase. I do have a newsletter,
which I hardly send anyting out on, and you can sign up for that by clicking
the NEWSLETTER icon in the top right of the page.
I've written a lot, and you'll find much of it here. Poems, short stories, series, as well as new stories every week. Most have a gay theme, but not all of them. Some are emotional, some are exploratory, some are funny, some are scary and some are gory. Some stories have varying degrees of sexual content between males, while some have nothing to do with sex. Some deal with death and loss, others joy and hope. Some might not seem to deal with anything at all. Anything rated-X is not intended for anyone under 18 years of age. If you're under eighteen, go find some videos or something elsewhere, or stick to the material not rated-X.
Some were written while I was in high school and college from notes and even my personal journal. Some were written within the last few years, others are fairly new, like the True First Time Tales which are a collection of stories that readers, friends, and acquaintances have told me that are the true tales of their first gay sexual encounters.
There's also the books I've written.
The Circulatim Trilogy has a pretty good fanbase. It's not for everyone, being
over a million words (thousands of pages) long. It's full of emotions and conflicts,
and quite a few sexual situations. It comes in a gay-youth oriented version and
an adult-oriented version. There are a couple spin-offs to Alex's story, as well
as a small selection of varying content, from the
sweetly sublime to the
truly horrible. And one
that even mixes them both. You can see these and others just a bit further
down this page, or you can go here.
I have found solace and release in writing throughout my life, and was most prolific when I was a teen and young adult. Once work arrived, and survival on one's own, writing became a scarce outlet. From time to time I've found myself with some free time over a span, and spent it doing some writing. Now I manage a bit more since it is so fast and easy on computers.
I hope you find something here to enjoy! I welcome tips, thoughts, ideas, and critiques, or just a hello. Click the EMAIL icons in the top of the page or along the right side.
So have a look around and find what you want, or if not, good journey, be nice, and have fun!
If you would like to help me afford keeping this site online, buy one of my books in Kindle, EPUB, PDF or Word format. Find them on my books page here. If you buy them at PayHip you can pay a little extra if you like!
And I leave you with this random thought...
Want something to do?
Check out my ideas of Male Beauty!
Over 30? Feeling nostalgic for elementary school and junior high? Remember those reading books?
How would you like a good musical laugh? Check this out!
For you older guys... remember generic groceries?
Need to laugh at some celebrities?
Check out this music video. The best version of Orange Blossom Special I've ever seen or heard, and the violinist is only 14! If your foot don't tap and you don't get a giggle out of it I feel sorry for you.
Some popular areas
Contents - lists everything here, making it easy to find what you'd like, listed
by content type, including what's new. Three categories of ratings: Everyone, Mature/Adult,
First Time Tales - I've been surprised by the popularity
of this branch. Real first time tales told to me by readers and real-world friends
and acquaintances.
Short Stories - individual stories less than 5,000 words, varying widely in
theme, rating, and content.
Series - stories which have several chapters or parts, also of varying themes,
ratings, and content.
Novels - Currently available novels . The Circle, The Circle Squared, The Circle
Cubed, Jeremy's Swimming Lessons, Camp Howit, The Project.
Poems - will list them for you, with brief descriptions.
Contact/Feedback - if you'd like to leave a note. Your email is not needed,
though you may leave it and I will reply.
Male Beauty! My idea of hot guys!
Novels and EBooks
If you like the short stories and First Time Tales that I put an hour or two into, you should try one of the books I've put days, weeks, months, or years into.
If you found something you like on the site, by getting one of my books, you might find something you'll love!
Read some things that have been said about the Alex Raymond/Circulatim series.
The Circulatim series
Arcs One: Wooden Nickels | Arcs Two: A Grand Illusion | Arcs Three: Camp Howitt HappenedThe Circle | The Circle2 Squared | The Circle3 Cubed
Tangents 1: Trey's Tale
Other Stories
Jeremy's Swimming Lessons |
Confession Of A Chicken Rancher |
Jay Gets Schooled | All Hollow's
Eve | The Project
True First Time and First Love Stories
Camden's Tale
The early stories of Alex Raymond.
(rated PG) 552 printed pages/292,000 words
We follow Alex through his earliest memories of growing up in several
places and going to several schools, learning what made him the exceptional
young boy he would become, and the tortured and repressed teen as well.
We meet his first friends, and see why he became so suspicious of others.
He undertakes the most adventurous summer of his young life - a vacation
with a friend and his family.
We follow him until the fateful move during
seventh grade on his 12th birthday.
Available as a Kindle
or a hardcopy printed book
at Amazon or as a PDF or
text document at
(rated R) 348 printed pages/153K words
Alex begins another chapter of his peculiar life - early adolescence.
Now living in a tiny house instead of a two-story home with a full basement
- which he'd considered his private domain - Alex feels claustrophobic.
And after the wonders of Canada being stained by the betrayal of his first
best friend, Thom, he feels isolated and alone. Many of the common articles
of his life are gone now: From furnishings to people. Even free space itself.
A new school, a new bunch of potential victimizers, new scents, sights,
sounds - many of which keep him awake at night. And he has to start at his
new junior high while using crutches. What a dork. His building sense of
sexuality provides a new source of both wonder and worry. It also changes
everything. Not wanting friends, or the eventual betrayal they seem
to inevitably bring, he shies away from making any. For as long as he can,
anyway. But he finds himself falling into that trap again. And worse, his
burgeoning sexuality bubbling to the surface seems to stain every aspect
of his life, including his budding friendships. Which, inescapably, leads
to the predictable confusion and destruction he knew would come. Life is
change, and Alex doesn't like change. If he thought the ordeal with
Thom was rough... now he is going to experience things on an entirely
new and unimagined level of intensity.
Available as a Kindle
or softcover printed book at Amazon or as a
Word doc,
EPub, or
OpenOffice/LIbreOffice document
at PayHip
(rated X - R-rated version upcoming) 142 printed pages/68,000 words
We follow Alex during another adventure - summer camp for exceptional
incoming high school students. The camp offers many activities and opportunities,
but the one he ends up taking advantage of isn't listed in the pamphlet
and changes his life forever.
We see his personality again reshaped by
events out of his control as well as ones he can control - if he can only
learn that lesson.
He has his first liaisons, and comes to grips with
what he is - sort of.
Available as a Kindle
and softcover print at AmazonEPUB,
and as PDF or
Word at
The Circulatim Trilogy
Alex Raymond turns sixteen.
333,000 words / 450 pages
Two weeks in the life of Alex as he turns sixteen, discovering life, love, loss, death, and recovery.
Alex is turning sixteen, and going to high school is difficult enough without it being one of Chicago's most affluent and prestigious schools. And being one of
the 'lessers' only makes it harder. So do the facts that he's a brainy dork and he's gay.
After losing Toby to illness and death over the previous summer, Alex
is unsure and afraid - what's the point of falling in love if it's only going to be taken away by an uncaring God?
His best friend knows that Alex is gay, but
none of his other friends do, especially not the one that has now stolen Alex's heart.
And now Toby returns, in a way. Alex isn't sure if he's going insane,
or if there is more to life and death than he ever suspected.
A very special gift on his birthday leads him to discover just how much more there really is. That
gift leads to events that will change the lives of Alex, his family, and his friends.
They will all learn that death is always near, and that those who have passed on
aren't always far away.
R-Rated version is available as a Kindle at
Amazon Kindle Store and for a limited time at Smashwords
R-Rated versions at PayHip: EPUB/EBOOK | Kindle/Mobi |
PDF | Word DOC
X-Rated versions at PayHip:
380,000 words / 500 pages
The next month passes, and it changes Alex's life forever. Things aren't always simple or easy.
Alex recuperates and returns
to school. A school that knows that he is gay, and that he had "almost" died in a fire. His very best friend is acting strangely, and keeping secrets from
him for the first time. His other best friend is now his lover, but it doesn't fit either of them well. Alex's circle of friends seems to be shrinking, and even his
favorite teacher now treats him differently.
Everything was different.
And the nightmares...
Surprising acquaintances vie for his time and lead him into
a strange circle of friends, and back into a hobby he had given up. A hobby that raises a ghost from the past only recently laid to rest.
The week of final exams
arrives and Alex finds himself barely keeping up with current lessons. Distractions like Erich, and other old friends as well, take up his time, as well as new ones,
like Kevin and the gang, and David. And Alex wasn't sure he could do what they expected him to do.
Torn apart from the familiar support of the Circle, moving in a strange
circle of new friends, he is stunned to come face to face with an even older ghost than Toby.
How much more could he handle?
R-Rated version is available as a Kindle at
Amazon Kindle Store.
R-Rated versions at PayHip:
EPUB/EBOOK | Kindle/Mobi |
Word DOC
X-Rated versions at PayHip:
Kindle/MOBI |
Word DOC
495,000 words / 600 pages
The changes and chaos in Alex's life continue in the conclusion
of the Circulatim Trilogy.
Things begin returning to normal for Alex. Or, settling into a new normal. A
new normal that is unlike the old normal. It isn't as comfortable, and things keep
changing, but what choice does he have?
He has come to deal with the loss of
Toby, and has accepted that there is more after this life than simple death, and
accepted that he is not done meeting with Toby yet, either.
The band brings music
back to his life, along with both the pain of loss and the joy of playing, and bringing
new friends and a measure of fame. With the twins, it's becoming comfortable and
familiar, but the new element of David makes it a confusing and ever-changing thing
as well, and keeps Alex off his balance and guessing at what he should do. And now
the band expects Alex to step up and shine.
His circles of friends at school
have changed somewhat, but are becoming a new normal, and somewhat comfortable.
But the new situation with Erich keeps Alex off his balance there, as well. Throw
in the situation with Trey, who dredges up one of the worst moments of his life,
and Alex is at a loss, feeling worried, scared, and even more confused at school.
Now other students are coming out from the shadows, seeking advice and support from
Alex. And other students are seeking out Alex, but for other reasons, though also
having to do with his sexuality and his fame, but they aren't seeking advice or
And yet another ghost arises from his past from before Toby and Trey,
increasing the chaos and uncertainty in his life. And possibly being 'the one' Toby
prophesied about.
Complications arise nearly daily, in every group of friends
he has. School, the band, even his home life.
To make things even more complicated,
unanswered questions and concerns from over the past weeks come calling, without
Struggling to find himself, or at least, someplace he can be himself,
and someone to be that person with, Alex is left in a whirlwind of change and chaos.
How much can he possibly handle? Are there any answers? Can he help others find
their own answers? Will he even be able to survive long enough to find those answers?
And will any of them provide anything like what he thinks he wants, or needs?
The R-rated Kindle version is available at the
Amazon Kindle Store.
X-Rated versions at PayHip:
Kindle/MOBI |
Word DOC
Circulatim Tangents

The story of one of Alex's early and most influential friends, Trey Waring.
Alex and Trey meet in eighth grade. Trey is popular, wealthy, attractive, and athletic. He has it all. Except book-smarts. He needs help with his History class studies, and Alex is known as a history nerd, and a geek, who likes helping other students with history studies during lunch period. Despite the advice of his friends, Trey seeks out Alex's help. Soon Trey's life is turned upside-down as he finds himself estranged from his popular friends, making new friends with the geeks, and becoming very good friends with Alex. And more than just friends - more than either of them could have expected or suspected.With both of their lives and selves changing, events and emotions lead the two of them to an event that would inalterably change both of their lives, and separate them for years.
But they would meet again one day... a very eventful day in Alex's life. But even more eventful days are just ahead - for both of them.
Experience the events surrounding Alex as seen through the eyes of another. And experience the way Alex affects the lives of those around him through those eyes - even when he has no idea he is doing so.
Coming early in 2023. 250K words. 490 printed pages in 6x9 format.
R-rated version in Word doc, PDF, and EPUB at PayHip, and Amazon Kindle formats.
X-rated version in Word doc, PDF, and EPUB formats at PayHip.
Other Novels
Rated-X Gay coming of age and heavy sexual content between teens.
the early 1960's, a time when being gay is not acceptable. He's managed to pretend
it's 'just a phase' so far, but when he takes swimming lessons sponsored by his
church group at the high school pool, he meets two older boys who induct him into
a sexual experience that shatters his convictions.
Shocked and confused by the
experience, he finds himself unable to deal with it. But the boys who 'found' him
are everywhere, and he can't seem to get away from them, or what they awoke in him.
And now he has to begin high school: The very high school where his shocking experience
And worse, he meets another boy, who tempts his budding sexuality
like never before.
Contains explicit sexual content making it unavailable at
the Amazon Kindle store.
PayHip Adult Version: EPUB
| Kindle | PDF

Readers' reviews.
For a while, every year, I did a Halloween story, usually pretty scary and gory. But, I was told that even my darkest stories were still full of cute and cuddly. For 2014, I went into a much darker place.
WARNING: This is an extremely graphic tale of a serial child-abductor and molester. No holds barred, no punches pulled. This novel contains extremely graphic descriptions of homosexual child-child sexual activity, child abduction, homosexual adult-child sexual exploitation, torture, and murder.
BANNED at Smashwords and the Amazon Kindle Store. It almost got all my books banned at those places. No one else will publish it. I'm not proud of that...
This is the story of a child that knows he is different, and the monster he becomes.
When a young boy, he realized his differences early. His intense intelligence allowed him to become adept at manipulating his emotionally distant parents, his naive younger brother, and the few of his peers that he allowed to be his friends - an intelligence uninhibited by guilt or empathy.
During adolescence, he accepts his homosexuality as another aspect of his superiority, like his intelligence and his ability to discern the intentions and lies of others. As intelligent as he is, he cannot control his temper or his rages.
Soon, he finds himself with blood on his hands, and no remorse. In fact, he discovers a thrill and power he hadn't expected, or even knew existed. This, and his growing sexuality, leads to more blood, and soon, his life is a series of plans and actions that would horrify his parents, his little brother, and his remaining friends.
As he moves through his teen years, he develops his skills, and feeds his growing appetite for sex, conquest, and power. His fellow students have no idea of the danger they court by teasing the small, weak boy - though some find out, but far too late.
As an adult, he finds he still prefers young boys in his bed, which leads to more plans, and more blood.
Soon, he meets others who share his taste for boys, and is forced into procuring boys for a very powerful and secretive man. The money is good, and the perks are rewarding, and with no guilt, he finds himself living the life he had always dreamed of.
But an unexpected development with a young boy leads to emotions he's never felt before. When his young friend is endangered, he finds himself on the other side of a child abduction. He must turn his intelligence and abilities to saving a boy, and exacting revenge.
Kharma is a patient creature, and in the end, it will come.
Contains explicit sexual and violent content involving minors, making it unavailable at Amazon or Smashwords.
PayHip Adult Version: EPUB | Kindle | PDF
Rated-X - Gay Novella
Jay is a geek. With his curly, sandy-blond hair, small,
narrow chin, lanky frame, and large nose, he never fit in with the popular kids.
He'd had few friends, and he'd drifted away from them in middle school when he began
to realize that he was gay.
Now starting college, he's still shy, but is considering
coming out. The best he has done so far is to walk past a LGBT meeting. There are
cute guys everywhere, teasing him with their attractiveness.
And his roommate
is a popular jock, just the kind of guy who made fun of him all his life.
expecting college to be torture.
And it's going to be! Just not the kind of
torture he's expecting!
Available as an R-rated Kindle at the
Amazon Kindle store, and in an
X-rated version at PayHip in EPUB/EBook,
PDF, and
Rated-R - Horror, gore, no sexual content.
Sometimes the trick IS the treat...
and you don't have the choice!
They say there is a kernel of truth behind all myths... so what is the truth
behind Halloween?
In this short story, follow one brave soul as he battles the
forces behind All Hollow's Eve to save all of us from a fate worse than death.
One day he fell in love, and in the blink of an eye, his life changed forever. At
nineteen, he left all he knew to follow a stranger and live a life his few friends
and his parents could never believe.
How he lives to save lives, once a year
battling evil in a form we have no idea exists.
Available as a Kindle at
Amazon Kindle Store here, or where I earn the most royalties at PayHip
in a variety of digital formats - Kindle,
PDF or
Word document.
Rated PG - Gay short story about 100 pages.
In the future, it may be possible to create a human being... but will it be a
good choice to do so? When a lonely teen discovers an unusual course available on
his home tutoring terminal, it leads to that very question. Having learned not to
trust others, or rely on them, he decides that creating a custom friend for himself
is the only choice left. But once the deed is done, he has to contend with the consequences...
Available at PayHip as an Ebook,
PDF, and at the
Amazon Kindle Store, and
in print at
Amazon and
Rated X - Gay short story about 50 pages 20K words..
A true tale of a teens first gay sexual experiences.
Living in a
tiny Kentucky town in the 70s leaves Camden few resources or opportunities when
he begins to realize he is gay.
His only neighbors are three boys, all
younger than him. Growing up together, they've all been best friends.
teens, the four of them begin messing around with each other, trying some things.
But now that Camden knows he is gay, things are different.
And then he falls
in love with one of the brothers.
Available at PayHip as an EPUB, a
PDF, a
Kindle, and a
Word document
I know there are pages that mess with IE. But pretty much only IE, so suffer. Most other browsers, pads and phones don't have the same issues and I'm not going to overhaul every page just to satisfy Microsoft.