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* - members only
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Short Stories
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- A Waiting
- Adonis
- For Benjamin
- Being The Wrong Color
- Desert Choices
- Freshman Luck
- Looking Back
- A Waiting
- Freshman Luck
- Derrin
- Woke
- -R rated
- A Waiting
- Copper
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- Travis Gets Owned
- Desert Choice
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- All Hollow's Eve 2011
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- Woke
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- Dale And Travis
- Fred's Story
- Freshman to Freshman
- I Needed A Jump
- I Started Young
- Luke and Dakota
- Mastering Marty
- Ray and Mark
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- Travis Gets Owned
- Walter's Tale
- The Wrestling Coach
- Benny's Story
- A Freshman Spotted
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- All Hollow's Eve 2011
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- Me And Cuz
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- Perspectives
- Ray and Scott
All XXX rated
It used to be full of words from my friend,
But now it seems that has come to an end,
Without a goodbye, or a reason why,
I'm left here lonely, high and dry.
For the longest time I opened it with glee,
Knowing there'd be an email with words for me,
For so long that it seemed for all time,
We talked and shared and laughed just fine.
More than once we both made the wish,
That if with the other we wanted to finish,
To never leave the other without a word,
And we both agreed that the idea was absurd.
But, now it has come to pass,
That email, it was the last,
No more words from my friend,
A cold, stark, heartless end.
Hits since 5/1/18