- Angel
- A Dying Wish
- Kyle
- Leaves
- Messages
- "Friend"
- Fool
- Piss Off
- Poet's Lament
- Sweetest Thing
- These Words
- Thorn'd Rose
- War Within
- What Fate

- First Time Tales
- Aiden
- Anderson
- Andy
- Andy A
- Anthony
- Arly *
- Ashton
- Benny
- Bill
- Boyd *
- Brady
- Brian
- Bryce
- Cade
- Casey
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chris
- Clay
- Cody
- Colin
- Conrad
- Conrad B
- Daryl *
- Dale
- David
- Derrick *
- Dillon
- Dylan *
- Ed
- Elijah
- Eric *
- Frank
- Frankie
- Fred
- Gary *
- Gordon
- Grant
- Greg
- Harley
- Ian
- Jacob *
- Jason
- Jason B*
- James
- Jay
- Jeff *
- Josh
- Jon
- Kurt
- Len *
- Lewis *
- Liam
- Lionel *
- Logan
- Lucas
- Luke
- Mace *
- Malcolm
- Mark *
- Mason
- Matt
- Michael *
- Mike
- Mike C *
- Mitchell
- Nathan
- Nick
- Neil
- Olsen
- Paul
- Pete
- Post Prom Party
- Randall
- Ralphie *
- Reggie *
- Rick
- Ricky *
- Rodin
- Sam *
- Scott
- Sean
- Shawn D. *
- Simon
- Skylar *
- Spencer
- Spig
- Star Struck *
- Steve
- Stosh
- Stonk
- Tanner *
- Taylor
- Thomas (AB)
- Tom
- Tony
- Trace *
- Tracy N
- Travis *
- Tristan *
- Tyson *
- Vince
- Walter
- Wes *
- Wil
- Zack
- Zack P *
* - members only

- Conrad B.
- Addonis (refreshed)
- Aiden
- Vince
- Jon
- Rick
- Reggie
- Logan
- Paul
- Thomas part 2
- Tyson
- Greg
- Lucas
- Malcolm ITM

Short Stories
- -PG rated
- A Hobo Boy's Tale
- A Waiting
- Adonis
- For Benjamin
- Being The Wrong Color
- Desert Choices
- Freshman Luck
- Looking Back
- A Waiting
- Freshman Luck
- Derrin
- Woke
- -R rated
- A Waiting
- Copper
- Travis Gets Outted
- Travis Gets Owned
- Desert Choice
- Looking Back
- All Hollow's Eve 2012
- All Hollow's Eve 2011
- Copper
- Derrin
- Woke
- Wind
- -X rated
- Rodin
- Freshman Spotted
- Best Bud in Texas
- Benjamin
- Brookfield Pool
- Dale
- Dale And Travis
- Fred's Story
- Freshman to Freshman
- I Needed A Jump
- I Started Young
- Luke and Dakota
- Mastering Marty
- Ray and Mark
- Taylor's Turn For The Better
- Travis Gets Owned
- Walter's Tale
- The Wrestling Coach
- Benny's Story
- A Freshman Spotted
- Hollow's Eve 2012
- All Hollow's Eve 2011
- Perspectives
- Post Prom Party
- Working With Riley
- Deals
- Derrin
- Woke
- Heat Fever

- All Hollows' Eve
- College Kink
- Deals
- The Gay Club
- The Holidays
- Jay's Slavery
- Me And Cuz
- Saving Steve
- Sam
- Perspectives
- Ray and Scott
All XXX rated

These Words
What is this thing
that has come to me
Giving me words
And things to see
I don't do poems
I don't do rhyme
I write short stories
In my spare time
But now all these words
And images fill my head
I can't seem to stop them
Feelings of loss and dread
But these words are different
They want to be timed
They aren't just stories
They want to be rhymed
My thoughts are entangled
My emotions swirl within me
Something has to give
Just don't give me your pity
I've never tried my hand
At poems before
And I had no idea
How out they could pour
The words come to me
In bunches and starts
But in time it all comes
It's just some bite me hard
The words seem mine
Or the feelings sure do
I don't know if I write them
But if not by me, then who
All I know for right now
Is that they make me feel better
Or they seem to anyway
As if breaking a fetter
So as long as these words
And images in me
Are making me hear
And making me see
I will put them all down
You can read them if you care
But some of them I won't
Being too personal to share
Hits since 5/1/18